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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries



In 2016, the following PhD thesis was successfully defended:

Additionally, the following PhD theses are currently in progress at the MiMove team:

Also, Valérie Issarny is co-advising with Ansgar Radermacher from CEA-LISE, the PhD thesis of Amel Belaggoun on Adaptabilité et reconfiguration des systèmes temps-réel embarquées; this is a PhD from UPMC-EDITE with the research being undertaken at CEA-LISE.


Nikolaos Georgantas was examiner for the PhD thesis of Fatiha Houacine, Architecture Orientée Service pour le Mobile Cloud Computing, defended in November 2016, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France, advised by Ass. Prof. Samia Bouzefrane.